Thursday 9 December 2010

Great Parents, Lousy Lovers

  • Hardcover: 272 pages
  • Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (August 4, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1414335881
  • ISBN-13: 978-1414335889
  • Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.6 x 0.9 inches

This book draws concentric circles around the single most important parenting tool. I am sure most of you would have been able to guess it by now. Yes I am talking about reliving the love between you two. Soon after marriage, as kids come up, there is void in the place of the love which needs to be filled up.

The authors of this book, Dr. Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham, talk about the above issues and try to resolve the issues of the aforementioned void between married coupl51pCBIJDCJL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_es with kids.

This book comes under the genre of love/marriage/romance. I was offered a complementary copy of this book by its publishers : Tyndale House publishers.

Being a teen, the context of the book was beyond my level of understanding as to how marriage works and especially after kids come along. So I would not rate this book very high on my list but I could refer it to  my married folks to make use of it.

One can avail a discount if making a purchase from This book can be bought from the website for $12.23.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Cut your Grocery Bill in Half with America’s cheapest family

Steve and Annette, the authors of this boon for the middle class, have changed some of their shopping techniques. The alternations have been made keeping savings and health in mind.
Neither do they pay enormous bags of money for their monthly groceries, nor do they save fortunes spending on cheap grocery which could cut back on your health too along with its cost.
The couple has successfully come up with wonderful ideas and has an organised the whole procedure of shopping for the groceries. Be it meat, dairy or veggies, the rule is :
In this book, a family of seven survives on the monthly expenditure of $350, that too not miserably. Following the rules of this book, an average family can save up to more than $3000 an year. Also the rules are not extraordinary. They are easy to cope with.
Though to me this book was given complementary by Thomas nelson, you can make the purchase from for $11.55.

The Butterfly Effect

This lovely piece has been “literally” carved by the much appreciated author of the book “The Boy Who Changed The World”, Andy Andrews.

The concept of the this book is somehow similar to that of the above mentioned book, “The Boy Who Changed The World” that is on large : how the smallest of actions lead to bigger things.
This one can be kept for a gifting purpose, knowing the beauty of the wonderfully written book.
The language is easy to understand and has been written in a manner kids can understand.
A complimentary copy of this book was provided to me by Thomas Nelson. I express my gratitude towards him for the favour.
I would surely recommend at least one read of the book.
You can buy the book from for $10.17.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

The boy who changed the world

Available for merely $ 11.55, this book is steal at that price. Catogorised under kids section, this one truly wins their heart and soul. Andy Andrews writes about this young chap, Norman Borlaug, who encounters different people and realises how interconnected the world really is and how each step one takes, affects something or the other
Little Norman grows up and uses his knowledge of agriculture to save the lives of two billion people.
This book has its original concepts in Andrews previous book, 'the butterfly effect'. The concept is 'Every action taken, affects something in the world. Even the smallest of good deeds can be of help to somebody'.

This book was generously offered to me by Thomas Nelson in return for its review.

Monday 26 July 2010

Fatal Convictions- Randy Singer

This thriller is going to chew your brains out. Be ready!

Alexander Madison is part lawyer, part pastor, and part con artist. When a Muslim imam is accused of instigating honor killings, Alex must decide whether to take the case that every other lawyer in town is running away from. He doesn’t realize until it’s too late that defending the imam may cost him the one thing in life he cares about most. Fatal Convictions is the story of a lawyer willing to risk it all and the women who must choose between faith and love.

The book is in hardcover and has good quality pages. That makes it convenient. 
Suggested to all my friends who are taken to fiction.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Angel Song

Thomas Nelson / 2010 / Paperback

When Annie Fletcher returns to Charleston to see her younger sister, Sarah, receive her master’s degree, she finds herself riding in the back of an ambulance, watching helplessly as Sarah fights for life. During the ride, Sarah appears to talk to someone who is not there, humming a melody Annie has never heard before.
Neighbor Ethan McKinney lends a shoulder when Sarah unexpectedly dies. And as a carpenter, Ethan volunteers to help Annie get the Fletcher family home into shape for selling. Ethan’s presence is distracting, but what troubles Annie is her neighbor Tammy’s 12-year-old son. Keith has Down Syndrome and the guile to believe he can see and hear angels.
God begins to reveal Himself to Annie – both in her newfound friends and through heart-rending and clearly supernatural events. Annie discovers faith in God, finally experiencing the comfort that His angels really do surround us.

A beautiful story which captivates your attention till you finish reading!

It was my first Sheila Walsh and Katheryn Cushman novel. 
There is a lot of supernatural element as you approach the other half of the book. It makes it further engrossing.
A must read for fellows who have liked the mix of fiction, religion and romance.
Available at for $10.99.

Saturday 12 June 2010

A girl's guide to life - Katie Meier

  • Reading level: Young Adult
  • Paperback: 208 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson (March 18, 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0849944430
  • ISBN-13: 978-0849944437
  • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.5 inches

A Girl's Guide to Life offers girls a fun, healthy approach to facing their adolescent years.
This complete resource helps teenage girls deal with all the traumas, dramas, and triumphs in their lives. The book is divided into Body, Mind, and Soul sections to address the relevant issues in each area of a young woman's life. It's "the" book for any girl wondering what's happening to her body, soul, and mind during these crazy years.

Revised and updated to include information on texting, sexting, and the viral cultural in which teens live, this book will help girls navigate their way through what can be a very tumultuous time in life.

With conversations with real teen girls, a foundation on God and the Bible, and helpful tips and questions for the reader, girls will gain an encouraging and fresh perspective on their lives.
A Girl's Guide to Life offers teen girls a new approach to facing their adolescent years.

I was fortunate enough to receive a complementary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson but you can buy this book Amazon @ just $10.19 !

Thursday 3 June 2010

Ann-Marie Dornn was born into a reclusive and extraordinary Hutterite colony near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. This religious community was an idyllic place for growing young girl, filled with adventure, strong bonds of friendship, rich delicious food, and a deep sense of developing. But for her parents, it had become a community teeming with tension and conflict.

In 1969, Ann's parents leave the place. Here starts the trauma and so does the story. This biographical/autobiographical book talks about the transitions and difficulties the Hutterites go through due to the cultural difference between them and the localites.

It was my first biographical read and was pleasantly enchanting. I especially like the part where she talks about her past and long lost memories of her own land.

I would like to read more such autobiographies.
If you wish to buy this book, it is easily available at for $13.59.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Happily ever laughter.

Discovering the lighter side of marriage 
-Ken Davis

Books about marriage tend to be serious; this one is seriously funny!

Real  life stories. Real life humor. Real marriages.

This is one book I liked the most out of all the books ever sent to me by Tyndale House Publishers.
It comes under the genre of Family & Relationships/Marriage and highly qualifies it. It is a compilation of hilarious incidents and stories of married life of several real life couples. 

Happily Ever Laughter will have you laughing till your sides split! 

And hence these funny chapters resonate the title of the book " The Lighter Side Of Marriage"!
This book treats marriage in the best way possible, which includes generous doses of laughter.
Several guides discover the lighter side of marriage including Jeff Allen, John Branyan, David Dean, Chonda Pierce, Kendra Smiley, Daren Streblow, Bob Stromberg and many more with tremendous sense of humor.

After each chapter, there is a joke which would make anyone double up!
The pattern Of the book is very convenient. There are tiny chapters written in simple but elegantly good language.

This book is available at for just $ 11.89. Rush for your copy! NOW !!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

An Honest Love

- Kathleen Fuller
This is Fuller's second  book in the A Hearts of Middlefield Novel series.
The lead character, Anna, was once betrayed by someone she loved deeply. In an attempt to never be hurt again, she and her mother relocated to Middlefield, Ohio. It was the ideal place for Anna's broken heart to mend. In Middlefield, Anna withdrew from risk, placing all her attention on managing the new gift shop she and her mom bought.

When Lukas introuces himself, Anna can't resist her attraction to him. Though she finds herself falling in love, she's hiding a piece of her past in fear that their future will be destroyed if she tells him the truth. What next?

Would she reveal her dark history to Lukas? 

To know further, read the novel An honest love by Kathleen Fuller available at for just $10.19.

This romantic fiction comes live in the mind when you read the story. The language is easy and is very much suitable for teenagers too. Avery compelling story which makes you fall in love with the characters at once.

I highly recommend this book, which has topped the list of my best reads of all time. I will definitely be reading the first book in this series and getting the next one when it comes out.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 

Hand of Fate


Hand of Fate by Lis Wiehl with April Henry
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Pub. Date: March 30th, 2010  
Pages:  293
Age Level: Thriller  
Obtained: Received for Review

This pulse-pounding thriller would lead you to many sleepless nights till the time you do not reach the  climax.
Controversial radio talk show host recieves a package containing poisonous gas which leads to his death. Federal Prosecutor, Allison Pierce, FBI Special Agent Nicole Hedges, and crime reporter Cassidy Shaw team up to piece together what might have happened and why.
The book comes in hard cover and has fine quality pages, which makes it very feasible to read.
I would like to thank Thomas Nelson Publishers for providing me with a complementary copy of this wonderful thriller.
My take
I enjoyed this book a lot. This is one of those books you cannot stop reading until the mystery is solved. It keeps you hooked till the end.
I would definitely reccomend this book to all my readers.
I you wish to buy this book online, then it is available at for $ 16.49 only.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Asking for Trouble- Sandra Byrd

15 year old, all-Amercian girl, Savvy Smith moves to England with her family. She finds herself in a new school, new country and new people alltogether. The story starts with the adjustments Savvy tries to make with herself in order to fit in to her new school, Wexburg Academy. Savvy misses her best friend. Her new schoolmates are barely ever interested to know her, or to be friends with her.‎
Somewhere in the middle of it, Savvy finds just the place she always needed to be in, The School newspaper! Unfortunately when she applies for the postion of a journalist, due to lack of experience she lands up being a paperboy (Oops! Papergirl!!). She needs to prove that she is a good writer, but how?
This is a teen novel meant for the age group 13-18. The book has a nice graphics which appeals to the above mentioned age group.
This was my first Sandra Byrd novel. I would like to thank Tyndale House Publishers for providing me with a complementary copy of this novel.
I liked the plot and feel that teenagers would really connect to the story. I would love to reccomend this book to all my friends.
This book is available at for $ 6.99.
Genre: Contemporary
Part of a Series: London Confidential, book one
Pages: 216
Publisher: Tyndale
Released: 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010

The Clouds Roll Away – SIBELLA GIORELLO

The story revolves around an ugly cross-burning incident at a celebrity’s mansion. Raleigh Harmon, an FBI agent, is the main protagonist of the story. While she investigates the case, her ex-boyfriend keeps popping up, which worsens thing for her.

I received a complementary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson. The above fiction is a cocktail of mystery and thriller with a teaspoon of romance and religion. The character build up in the story is done in a good enough manner so that one can at least picture the scenes of the story. I did like the novel up to a certain extent, though somewhere in the middle I did lose interest. Unlike any other suspense novel, this book fails to keep the interest of the reader towards the ending. I wouldn’t say I hate this book, but I did not like it any better either !!

But if you ask me whether it challenged my faith, then the answer is NO. It does not.

I would recommend my friends to read this book. It’s worth a one time read.
It is available at www. for $ 10.19.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Revolve 2010

Its pretty much the first time, I came across a Biblizine, an NCV version. This seems to be a modern bible and intended to strike a chord with the new age teens to preach them the ways of Jesus.
The funky cover page gives it a chic look. Not much of a magazine though(288 pages),  targets the age group of 14-17, surely the ones who get attracted to books through colours and other teenage issues and resolves. There’s also this agony Aunt, under the heading “Ask Jenny”.
Being a teenager myself, I like this book to a reasonable extent. Though I do not carry much information about the Holy Bible, yet I was able to grasp a lot of it.Thanks to Thomas Nelson for providing me with the complementary copy of this wonderful magazine !!
Along with the psalms, it has also added lots of quizzes, make-up tips, true-or-false and a few more interests of teenage girls, which somewhere might compel them to go for it even if they are not the religious kind. Its utterly satisfying to read so many real instances, the teens themselves have contributed towards the biblizine when they have encountered the presence of God under the column "4real".
The quality of the book is good. The paper is extremely thin, but durable, and the book is well bound. Print is in colour, which greatly appeals to the readers, mostly the young ones.
I would like to refer this magazine to all the teenagers out there. Even if one is not interested in the religious stuff, this can get exciting because of its trendy style of writing.
One can buy this book in the market for $16.99.