Wednesday 17 March 2010

The Clouds Roll Away – SIBELLA GIORELLO

The story revolves around an ugly cross-burning incident at a celebrity’s mansion. Raleigh Harmon, an FBI agent, is the main protagonist of the story. While she investigates the case, her ex-boyfriend keeps popping up, which worsens thing for her.

I received a complementary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson. The above fiction is a cocktail of mystery and thriller with a teaspoon of romance and religion. The character build up in the story is done in a good enough manner so that one can at least picture the scenes of the story. I did like the novel up to a certain extent, though somewhere in the middle I did lose interest. Unlike any other suspense novel, this book fails to keep the interest of the reader towards the ending. I wouldn’t say I hate this book, but I did not like it any better either !!

But if you ask me whether it challenged my faith, then the answer is NO. It does not.

I would recommend my friends to read this book. It’s worth a one time read.
It is available at www. for $ 10.19.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Revolve 2010

Its pretty much the first time, I came across a Biblizine, an NCV version. This seems to be a modern bible and intended to strike a chord with the new age teens to preach them the ways of Jesus.
The funky cover page gives it a chic look. Not much of a magazine though(288 pages),  targets the age group of 14-17, surely the ones who get attracted to books through colours and other teenage issues and resolves. There’s also this agony Aunt, under the heading “Ask Jenny”.
Being a teenager myself, I like this book to a reasonable extent. Though I do not carry much information about the Holy Bible, yet I was able to grasp a lot of it.Thanks to Thomas Nelson for providing me with the complementary copy of this wonderful magazine !!
Along with the psalms, it has also added lots of quizzes, make-up tips, true-or-false and a few more interests of teenage girls, which somewhere might compel them to go for it even if they are not the religious kind. Its utterly satisfying to read so many real instances, the teens themselves have contributed towards the biblizine when they have encountered the presence of God under the column "4real".
The quality of the book is good. The paper is extremely thin, but durable, and the book is well bound. Print is in colour, which greatly appeals to the readers, mostly the young ones.
I would like to refer this magazine to all the teenagers out there. Even if one is not interested in the religious stuff, this can get exciting because of its trendy style of writing.
One can buy this book in the market for $16.99.